
"This was not planned -- trust me" says Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau

Yesterday, the email replaced post office. The technology behind the email, internet evolved our information system and media. Today, the cryptocurrency is replacing bank. The technology behind the cryptocurrency, blockchain is evolving our trust system and government. TOMORROW, the GAO or Gifted Asset Offering is going to evolve our market economy into gift economy and stigmergy community. We will enjoy the earth with ant and other creatures in p2p stigmergy age. God without religion. Love without marriage. Government without politician. Code without law. Gifts without taxes. Leaders without orders. Happy without money. Powerful without forces. Communities without borders. Be a p2pGardener and follow GAO2DAO toward the stigmergy age: "the government of the people, by the people, for the people", will be back to the earth just like does. Juicy GAO dynasty by HORNY power.  Goolge: #powerFROMpeople.  


" 人有灵魂吗? 会有来世吗? 父母的去世让我很孤独, 很想念他们, 很希望能再见他们。 真的不希望人生的尽头是泥土。" xindu 人有灵魂吗? 有。我有多次亲历。 2018年在与狼交友后,我找到了一份为喜爱的工作,当推拿师。我女老板很能干,晚上去养老院做护士,白天经营发廊。我问她什么总把窗帘紧闭,不见阳光,她马上露出惊恐的神态,装聋作哑。把话题扯开,她说很多人不理解她,他丈夫当着她的面枪杀了她的心爱的金毛犬。她儿子避开她,她女儿当着我的面交给她一封母子断交书..........。。。。。 后来,她悄悄问我:“人有灵魂吗?”   有!我有多次亲历。 “我也有!” 她抢着说: “我喜欢我的工作,上晚班。我给病人吃过药后,等他们都睡熟,我也睡觉。但是,每当垂危病人离世前,总有一个灵魂等在病人身旁,把病人的灵魂带走。我对雇主说,她问我用了什么非法毒品。我对我老公说,他打死了我那只心爱的金毛犬,现在儿女都不理会我。“ 我笑起来,然后说:你不是一班生,是慧眼已经被打开的二班生。你老板老公和儿女都是一班生,只有在梦中用慧眼,二班生梦中和清醒时都能用慧眼..........。 ”灵魂是生命吗?” 她打断我。 灵魂是最古老的生命 - 病毒体系组成。灵魂是死而不亡者的气场。气场是每个生命的病毒体系。文化艺术是无数个人的气场体现 - 模因  MEME。 模因 生于基因前.........。 她马上让我把她的窗帘全部打开。 道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物,万物负阴而抱阳,冲气以为和。 ——《老子》第四十二章 道生一:道生病毒 RNA,病毒生迷因MEME。 一生二:迷因生阴阳基因。 二生三:阴阳基因生你我。 三生万物:你我知万物。 ”会有来世吗?“ 我说有!你说呢? 模因(英语:meme,发音:/miːm/,港台称为迷因),又译媒因、觅母、米姆、弥、文化基因等。 目前比较公认的定义是通过模仿在人与人之间传播的思想、行为或风格,通常是为了传达模因所代表的特定现象、主题或意义。 模因- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

谷歌一下: #powerFROMpeople

吓唬你们 1989年,i 爱WANK NASA前,政客帮军火商CEO用核武器吓唬你们。 2001年,政客帮军火商CEO制造911 September 11 attacks用本拉登吓唬你们。 2006年,i 爱用维基解密解密科学家造假前,政客帮电池CEO用气候变暖吓唬你们。 2008年,i 爱用比特币玩美联储前,政客救济银行家们用《大不可倒的金融危机》吓唬你们。 2019年,政客帮疫苗商CEO用新冠病毒,吓唬你们。 2023年,政客帮CEO们实现,《great reset》,用流浪汉吓唬你们。 谷歌一下,#powerFROMpeople

PowerFROMpeople vs Plutocracy

They plutocracy system blocked my Twitter account as again. This time, they deleted my post pictures too. This is one of my pictures deleted by Twitter.    Google: tocitycoin Google: Gaozicoin Google: TouchiARTIST Google: powerFROMpeople #powerFROMpeople 前那大国歌 邓丽君小城故事曲 末代市长高峰: 改词 世间是非多 悲欢与离合 野俗回到世间来 爱恨会更多 爱时发牢骚: Honey, I am horny where are you? 恨时唱国歌:O .... China Town! 人生境界爱欲恨 别往心里搁 该吃地吃,该喝地喝 耍耍太吉主快活 该吃地吃,该喝地喝 耍耍太吉主快活 请你的朋友一起来 渥太华来做客 CHINAda anthem Teresa Teng's Small Town Story Last mayor's fun guy: Change words There are lots of troubles in the world joys and sorrows Wild animal, I am back Here will be more love and hate Feeling love in the air you shout: Honey, I am horny where are you? Sing the national anthem when you hate: O....China Town! Feel loved or hated don't take it to heart Eat what you liked, drink what you preferred  Playing touchi art, be hap2py Telling all your friends Visit Ottawa Eat what you liked, drink what you preferred